Act II, giclée Print


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Christopher Cart oil painting of the actress Rebecca Singer waiting to go on in Act II of Bells Are Ringing.
Print of Egg tempera and oil portrait of a young actress backstage.

“Act II” showcases the beauty of the singer/actress, as she awaits the beginning of Act II in the wings, conserving her energy in the quiet of backstage, for the soon to return audience. Her pose, loose limbed and not particularly ladylike, is at interesting odds with the fluff and feather of her 1950s costume, which gives the painting its nickname, “Red Dress.” The dress and her ivory skin glow with a theatrical light even in the gloom of backstage. The artist brings out the combination of toughness and fragility that is so often a hallmark of the performer.

Printed with archival inks on acid free paper.

Image size 15 x 15.5 inches